Simon Avey

Simon Avey spent almost 4 weeks in the hospital. Click HERE for a recap of the beginning of this journey. Then skim over the rest of the posts and see how God has blessed Simon. This blog is for family and friends who have been praying faithfully for Simon.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Doc Report

Doc Report

We just had a big report from the Docs. The first was from the an Epilepsy doc and Simon's Seizures appear to be stopped (with the medication) and he is pleased with this. They put a monitor on Simon so that they can see an seizures. There is some brain activity that they are watching but there is nothing definitely wrong .

Then we met with the supervising doctor (this place has lots of specialists and one supervising Doc). He broke it down in categories:

Heart: The structure of the heart is good (ie: no extra holes). His heart is generally weak. They will do another echo tomorrow or Monday. They are supporting the heart through meds to increase BP and to help the heart squeeze better.

Brain: They need a formal reading of the CT scan by a pediatric radiologist in order to see if there is brain damage. An MRI would help us see more. We cannot do the MRI because some of the NO support he is getting. Everything that they would need to do if there was damage is being done anyway. He did not see major brain damage (ie: bleeding) but did see some abnormalities and wants to wait for the expert to read the pictures.

Kidneys: The Kidneys are not 100 percent. Not unusual but kidneys usually recover. He is urinating and hopefully the Kidney will repair.

Respiration: The O2 and NO is helping and Simon is not breathing on his own. Hopefully as they take him off of the breathing support and NO he will repond.
He is using a fair amount of 02.

Liver: His liver enzymes are very high. It is enflamed. This could be due to a metabolic problem or due to the impact on his system.

Infection: is on 3 antibiotics. They have not started feeding yet to not
stress the stomach system. They are still waiting on test results for infection.

In general: The doc said "Simon is Critical but stable." He needs time to heal. Time is both our worst enemy (it's hard to wait) and our best friend. As long as Simon is not getting worse, his body is probably healing itself. They are trying to support his body to heal itself while they check out possible causes (infection and metabolic). They are also trying to monitor anything that might become longer-term damage but we will probably not know this for a long time yet.

Please continue to pray for Simon. And for Dean and Summer as they prepare forthe long-haul.

We are planning on bringing Tobi and Trey down tomorrow to see Summer and Dean. Hopefully it will be a good day for all.

God is good! Not that he always does what we want, but I don't know how we would have made it without faith that he is and he is in control.

Thanks for praying.


Blogger Mike said...

Tom, Dean, Summer and family,

It is a privilege to pray for you and Simon. We are doing it!

Press on,

12:06 AM  

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