Simon Avey

Simon Avey spent almost 4 weeks in the hospital. Click HERE for a recap of the beginning of this journey. Then skim over the rest of the posts and see how God has blessed Simon. This blog is for family and friends who have been praying faithfully for Simon.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Monday Update

Simon has continued to do well at home though it is difficult to keep our two little ones away from him. They have been a little sick the past few weeks and it has been a chore having to remind them to wash their hands and not to touch or get close to Simon. Hopefully they will get better soon so they can start smotheirng Simon with kisses.
Simons eating has been a bit of a task the past week. He has spit-up his feeding a few times and we often catch ourselves running to him when we hear gurgling sounds after a feeding. The doctor said we need to keep as much food down so this has cause a little bit of worry for Summer and I. I think we have come to the conclusion though that we are feeding him a little too much. Since his NG tube goes right into his stomach, he has no way of telling us when he is full. Add to that the suggested increases in his feeding and I can expect him to have the problems he has had. We have just recently been less agressive with his feeding and I think that has helped a great deal.

I think we are both hoping that sometime soon his feeding schedule will change so that we dont have to get up every 3 hours to feed him. He has no problem sleeping through the night, it's just Summer and I that are having the difficulty sleeping. Maybe we can move him over to a feeding that has more substance and takes a little longer to digest. Its probably such a big pain to me because I have never had to handle the feedings with our first two kids because there isnt much I can do when they are nursing. But without the nursing I can get delegated with feedings which Summer has had to deal with for our first two kids. The wonders of parenthood.

We met with the construction company on Friday and went over a house layout that looks promising. Because of the situation we are in and our lack of flexibility with the insurance money from the fire we are forced to rebuild rather than move. We are going to be making a few improvements to better suit a family of our size which is exciting but it will also cost us a little more money. To help keep the costs down I hope to do some of the work myself (some of the easy and fun stuff like demolition.) We were told that it will take another 6 months to complete the rebuild which is another reason why I would like to do whatever I can to help speed up the process. I would greatly appreciate your prayers in this area as we are seeing the dust settle with the medical stuff but kicking up more with this house rebuild.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Aveys...let us know if and when you need help rebuilding...we have quite a few guys around that work construction and would love to help...including my dad and husband. :)
Rachel Stangland

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dean,Kim and I would be happy to lend Telly, Charlie and Sammy for a couple of days to help with your demolition...they are experts. We continue to pray for your family.


9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dean, I don't know if you remember me or not, but I certainly have great love memories of you! My heart has been pouring out prayers for you and your family. God is using your experiences this past year in many lives! What a glorious testimony you all have! I am so happy that Simon is improving health wise.. God Bless all the Aveys!...Phylis Leppert

12:30 PM  

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