Simon Avey

Simon Avey spent almost 4 weeks in the hospital. Click HERE for a recap of the beginning of this journey. Then skim over the rest of the posts and see how God has blessed Simon. This blog is for family and friends who have been praying faithfully for Simon.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It looks like tomorrow may be a big day:

They are telling Summer that they may be able to take out the breathing tube tomorrow. This means they will have to un-sedate him somewhat and Summer will be able to hold Simon. Earlier, they took off the EEG with all the taped up leads on his head so he looks much better.

They did the MRI today and he did good. He was a little chilled when he returned but has since warmed up nicely. We should hear about the report from the MRI tomorrow.

With all this going on, Dean is going to try to return tomorrow. Summer is at McDonald house (on-site) tonight. I had a great visit with a good friend today. It was great!

Please continue to pray:
that the breathing tube removal goes ok.
for no brain damage.
for Deans travel back to Indy tomorrow.
that there is no heart damage.
that all the other good news (kidney, liver etc) stays good.
that God is honored.

[Posted from my cell phone]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm praying that Summer will be able to hold Simon on Wednesday! When Payne was hospitilized at 17 months with an acute asthma attack, I slept in the oxygen tent with him b/c I couldn't stand to not be able to touch him and hear him breathing. It's comforting to know that we serve a God knows our mothers' hearts. We all look forward to seeing Simon in his mommy's arms soon.
Stephanie Rager

9:43 PM  

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